Drone racing to overtake eSports

People are now more inclined to technology-based drone racing and eSports than viewing sports like football and baseball. At least, the recent studies have brought this data out. Viewership of eSports or electronic system facilitated sports, especially video games, are on the rise while decline in viewing of sports like baseball, football is creating an opening for a new sport to gain popularity.

The tech sports are in direct competition with one another. Drone racing sport has evolved so strongly and become a bona fide spectator sport.

Though in its infancy, drone racing is gaining so much popularity worldwide and has been generating incredible profits since the beginning. By seeing this, drone racing industry is developing newer technologies that are far better now like never before while working on new models constantly with an eye to meet popular wishes and requirements of drone racing sportspersons. New models of drones are coming out with much more capability and brilliant tech specs. Drones and hardware are evolving at much faster rate while various drone companies are creating the most “state of the art” and user-friendly products.

Unlike eSports, drone racing also allows for customization and allows the pilots to create their own individual identities. Drone pilots have begun to develop definitive personalities and thus they have garnered fans who not only follow the sport, but also their career.

 Drone racing has much more potential to not only grow to the level of eSports, but even outgrow it. Check with the enthusiasm of drone racing pilots participating at various competitions worldwide organized by Drone racing league. You will convinced how interest of people in drone racing is burgeoning. 

Technology is growing incredibly faster now and it is even predicted that this could theoretically give drone racing an edge over eSports. eSports may be a kind of leading sports right now, but this might have to face off against drone racing anytime soon for attention, fans, and viewership, Visit at  http://robbtherobotguy.com/research/research-1/ .


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